Conversations from the Heart

#34 - Making Peace With Pain

Yvette Erasmus Season 1 Episode 34

There's a big difference between feeling hurt and being harmed.

In this week's episode I start with a few recent realizations from my own life regarding hurt and harm, and then we move into the following questions:

  1. How do I respond to someone accusing me of gaslighting when the person remembers a situation differently from me?  (8:40) 
  2. How do I talk about something painful and convey what I need to be helped or move past it? (26:57) 
  3. How do I connect with a person who is completely shut off? (35:39) 
  4. What do I do when I’m unsure if I want to continue a relationship with someone I feel judged me? (38:36) 

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